
Serving San Antonio & Houston, Texas

Just like the front and back doors of your home, your garage door also requires security features. “But isn’t my garage door already a security feature itself?” or “I already have smart technology for my garage door, so I have nothing to worry about” are two possible ways you might be responding to the first statement. Where security is concerned,  the saying “better safe than sorry” is not just a reliable rule to live by;  extra garage door security is also required by federal law. The safety feature most commonly found in U.S. homes is garage door sensors, and today we are going to find out why garage door sensors are the go-to extra security feature. 

Garage Door Monitoring Sensors Strengthen Home Security 

There are actually four types of sensors for garage doors, and each serves a different purpose. Garage door monitoring sensors focus on home security. These sensors are meant to inform residents any time the garage door opens, allowing them to know when it is being used or when someone is leaving or entering. If your monitoring sensor system is connected to your phone via an app, you can also remotely time when and how long your garage door stays open or closed. If your main concern is preventing break-ins, a monitoring sensor for your garage door should be at the top of your door safety to-do list. 

garage door sensors part 2

Garage Door Safety Sensors Protect You And Your Vehicle From Harm 

Did you ever wonder how some garage doors know when to stop closing on a vehicle or person in its way? Those garage doors are equipped with safety sensors. These safety sensors are found on the rails at the sides of the garage door. These sensors have photo-eyes that emit infrared beams, which sense obstructions and tell the garage door opener to stop or reverse course. Safety sensors remind us that it is just as important to have our own safety in mind and not just that of our home safety. 

They Are Known For Their Longevity 

Garage door safety sensors are known for their longevity that is due to their low maintenance requirements and a lower likelihood of wear and tear from use. The only maintenance required by garage door safety sensors is to clean out the photo-eyes and ensure the wires aren’t pinched. Unlike manual garage doors, automatic doors that come with safety sensors act as a safeguard against any collisions that would otherwise occur. 

Bonus: CO2 Sensors Keep Your Garage Safe 

Another garage door sensor worth considering for installation is a CO2 sensor. This sensor specifically alerts you to open the garage door when CO2 levels in your garage reach dangerously high levels. While this type of garage door sensor is not as commonly installed, it is worth considering if you are concerned about ensuring safe air quality permeates your garage. They provide an extra layer of safety for you and your loved ones. 

Which Garage Door Sensors Should You Get? 

Now that you know the benefits of garage door sensors, you might be wondering where to start. First, consider what your priorities are for garage door functionality. Are you more focused on home security or personal safety? Do you want that extra reassurance of protection from toxic gases? Your answer will help you determine whether to start with a safety or monitoring sensor and allow you to consider if you want the addition of a CO2 sensor. Next, consider your budget. What kind of garage door sensor can you afford with your current budget? Is there a certain kind of brand you want to save for? Planning a budget will be a significant next step in armoring your garage door with sensors. Once these decisions are made, or if you find yourself stuck in the decision-making process, contact us at ASAP Garage Doors about the installation process.